Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Personal Decision to Sell Annuity Payments

Image : http://www.flickr.com

There comes a point in our lives when we are in dire need of a big amount of money. One major reason for this is when we are caught in a verge of financial crisis. Such crisis may occur in situations like when we are in debt of a large sum of money which needs to be paid immediately or when a tragedy occurred in the family which requires a lot of cash. Another reason is when you are in the position that you want to start a business or build your own house. In these cases, you would need a certain amount of money to begin your plans immediately.

When we reach this point, our main problem is where to get the large sum of money. In times like this, we need to reflect and consider our resources available. Our savings in the bank can be one. We can check our account if the money left is still enough for our plans. In addition to the resources when you run out of options is to sell some of what you possess like furniture, jewelries, and material things of that sort. Aside from that, another option which can really help you is to sell annuity payments.

An annuity is a form of a payment which is given at a specific date at certain time intervals. It can be given weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Immediate annuity payments can result from a lot of things. Prizes in lottery and game shows are not given immediately in whole but rather are given at intervals. Other situation where money is not given in bulk is from cashing in your share in insurance companies or getting hold of your inheritance. These certain instances provide their payment in spaces but good thing is that a company can buy your annuity payments.

To sell annuity payments is a personal choice. The concept of selling such payments is to get hold of the needed money immediately. The down side of this is that companies can buy your annuity payments in less than what it is suppose to be. They would cut a certain percentage on the whole sum that you are supposed to receive. However, the good thing is you can get hold of the money immediately and would not suffer the agony of waiting for future payments. When your annuity payment is bought the money given will then save you from any pending debts or start your plans in having a business and provide you with an income that will help you build something which you've long been dreaming of.

But in making major decisions like this which involves large sum of money, it is better to seek the advice from legal experts in order to avoid any issues which may lead you to being penniless in the end. It is also your responsibility to do certain reviews and talk with the people concerned in the company who will purchase your annuity payment so as to clear your mind on the agreement that you are about to venture.

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